

Sunday, August 22, 2010

promises are made from a day to day basis, but how many are broken? at times, we look back unto God and says "God, this is what you have promised me, but why hasn't this this and that been done yet?' then we start to think that God has just forgotten about us, as if we're flower along the road, but the truth is, no, God has not forgotten us, neither have He forgotten about His promises to us.

God promised Abraham that He would make Abraham a great nation, but only after 25 years, did God gave Abraham a son, Isaac. During that period of time, Abraham questioned God about his lack of child, and he even resorted to fathering a son through his wife's handmaiden.

Yet, through the ups and downs, God kept reminding Abraham of His promise to give him a child while urging him to walk faithfully with Him and believe.

When we claim one of God’s promises in the Bible, whether it is for peace of mind, courage, or provision of our needs, we place ourselves in His hands and on His schedule. As we wait, it may at times seem as if the Lord has forgotten us. But trust embraces the reality that when we stand on a promise of God, He remains faithful. The assurance is in our hearts, and the timing is in His hands. —David McCasland

Even during the times where we don't see the fulfilling of these promises coming close, just have faith and keep on believing that He knows the best for you and, will never ever forget about you. pinky promise? its more than that. its a promise with the blood of Christ.


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