
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hebrews 13:5b ~
"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

His promise ~
you forsake, I will never; you leave, I will never.



Saturday, June 12, 2010

God wants Christian to have a hunger for God, to be an extraordinary Christian for not just a day, but everyday... a lifetime..

at times, we think that we know best but, when we actually surrender our life to Him, there is a higher purpose... a better outcome at the end of the day

God wants to see what's in you heard and thus, He test us. He knows what we're thinking... and we can say what we think is nice to hear and things like that, but that, might not be what's in our heart... so in order to know what your heart really desires, God test us..

~a Christian who's on fire for God keeps his relationship with God fresh~

Gilgal is the place where the people of Israel was there for 40 years, during the 40 years of wilderness. There, God wants to teach them to walk by faith, and not by sight. Not to live by feeling, whether you're able to "feel" God's presence or not.

Bethel was the place where Jacob had his vision.. the vision of ladders from heaven..

Joshua fought the battle in Jericho and God gave him victory, the wall of Jericho fell. It is a place where God gives you great victory. it is the city of the past.

John the Baptist saw the dove land on Jesus.

Elisha saw the anointing on Elijah and he wanted more.. Elisha did not get distracted when the people said that his master would be taken away from him that day. Elisha kept his eyes on his heart desire.

God will never ask "what do you want Me to do for you?" to casual believers. He only ask that when He sees your heart desire.

when there's an anointing upon you, God will always make a way. even obstacles part and give way. so today, lets just ask ourself.. am I ready to receive His anointing??



Friday, June 4, 2010

Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's fault because of your love. ~ Ephesians 4:2

number engaged


Thursday, June 3, 2010

I guess we sometimes feel like God is there, but just not listening.. or sort perhaps.. Its like you know the line or number, is working, but yet you are unable to call into it for a whole day?? I know He is here and He will always be, but i can't seem to sense His presence. I don't sense His closure. June holidays are approaching and I think it's time for me to start anew with Him once again. I pray that this time, I wont hear "the number you dial is unreachable, please try again later. Harap maaf, nombor yang awda dial tidak dapat dihubungi, sila cuba lagi nanti." Because this time as I dial unto that number, I want to hold onto that call for as long as possible.